Welcome to the wonderful world of learning to play, write and perform music in a rock band. The Let’s Rock Band Program is for beginners to experienced musicians where fun, creativity and music exploration is the key focus.

Let’s Rock lessons are nothing like the traditional music lessons of the past. The Let’s Rock Program follows its own specifically designed curriculum that has be developed by a highly qualified and experienced music educator. There are no music books where we work through each page as a measure of improvement. The Let’s Rock program is uniquely tailored to the skill level of each student.

Much like how a young child learns to speak through listening before they learn to read, at Let’s Rock, students are taught to play with their ears before they use their eyes.  A passion for music is developed and nurtured by learning contemporary songs with other motivate musicians.

The Let’s Rock program aims to grow confident and creative musicians who can jam with others, write and record their own music and perform with confidence to any audience.  The overall focus of the Let’s Rock Band Program is to inspire students to embark on the life-long journey of learning a musical instrument in a community of other “musos".   

The rewards of learning to play a musical instrument and playing in a band, are positively wonderful, self-esteem enriching and life-changing.